To enquire about sales availability of any of the prints in this archive please contact the SWE Sales Secretary
Willow Patterned Woodlouse - Mike Allison
Ex Libris Jiri Gruška - Grigory Babich
Conversation with a Familiar - India Rose Bird
Bewick's Place - Neil Bousfield
Dorothy Walking - Neil Bousfield
Shadow Profile - Leonie Bradley
Barbara - Simon Brett
Black Mass - Harry Brockway
Solitude - Harry Brockway
Zhou Zuoren - Harry Brockway
Blackcap - Peter Brown
Dahlia "My Love" - Terry Browne
Sissinghurst - Terry Browne
West London Thames - John Bryce
Woodland Floor - Ellie Cliftlands
After the Chalk Fall, Splash Point - Jude Clynick
Glimpsing the Wind Farm at Saltdean - Jude Clynick
The Edge of the Lake - Sally Cole
Paddington Station - Rebecca Coleman
View Subterranea: Hammersmith - Rebecca Coleman
Hollyhock - Peter Collins
Teasel Feast, Great Dixter - Phoebe Connolly
Dryslwyn - Ian Corfe-Stephens
Llewelyn's Redoubt - Ian Corfe-Stephens
A Complicated Life - Blaze Cyan
Quoth the Raven "Nevermore" - Blaze Cyan
Bridge at Aira Force - Chris Daunt
The Fury of Cain - Chris Daunt
Beetle - Anne Desmet
Lightwell - Anne Desmet
Tower of Angels - Anne Desmet
Snowbound Buttertubs - David Dobson
St. David's Thorn - David Dobson
Prairie Reverie - Tony Drehfal
Old Tattie Digger, High Auchoirk - Jim Dunbar
Camps Heath - Anthony Dunigan
Duet Twenty-one - Paul Dunmall and Peter Lawrence
Garden of Birds - Andy English
I Am Here - Andy English
The Silversmith - Carine Eunson
A Murder of Crows - Jonathan Gibbs
Pecking Order - Mike Glanville
Joseph - Ben Goodman
Nasim - Ben Goodman
Lockdown Gate - Bob Guy
Offa and the Bard - Bob Guy
Roofscape - Trevor Haddrell
Storm Departing: Sun Emerging - Trevor Haddrell
A Queen of the Night - Xiao Han
It's Going to Snow - Sally Hands
Pushkin's Cat - Sally Hands
Salsify Seeding - Anne Hayward
Seashore Garden - Anne Hayward
Grounded - Louise Hayward
The Rennie Estate - Louise Hayward
Rooster - Steven Hubbard
Safe Mooring II - H. J. Jackson
Safe Mooring I - H. J. Jackson
Small Antique Head - Nicholas Jagger
Best Forgotten - Judith Jaidinger
Dipper - Mark James
Early Morning - Heinke Jenkins
River Teme 4. October - Andrew Judd
Ex Libris M. Gashi-Butler - Vladimir Kortovich
Duet Twenty-two - Peter Lawrence and Paul Dunmall
Harvest Mice - Molly Lemon
Dahlias and Anemones - Angie Lewin
Sea Holly - Angie Lewin
Macleod's Maidens, Idrigill Point - Kathleen Lindsley
Noctilucent - Kathleen Lindsley
From John Clare: The Progress of Rhyme - Kathleen Littler
Allotment Bouquet - Vanessa Lubach
Dahlias and Cosmos - Vanessa Lubach
Shore Haven - Robin Mackenzie
The Golden Country - Robin Mackenzie
Origami Rose - J. E. Manser
March - Kosuke Mizutani
Ars Moriendi I - David Moyer
Shipyard: SS Orion 1935 - Gordon O'Brien
Red Umbrella, Garda - Di Oliver
An Ostentation of Peacocks - Julie Orpen
An Eclipse of Moths - Julie Orpen
Ecrehous Archipelago - Hilary Paynter
Seal Island - Hilary Paynter
Seals - Hilary Paynter
Hawthorn on the Lynchets - Howard Phipps
Under Win Green - Howard Phipps
Barbers, Oxford 2020 - Chris Pig
My Father's Hands - Chris Pig
The High Pavement - Chris Pig
The Odd Pair - Julian Poole
Close to the Edge - Jenny Portlock
Firefly - Joanne Price
Warbler Tree Choir - Joanne Price
Blueprint, The Old Architect - Jane Randfield
Cowhouse, Yorkshire Dales - Jane Randfield
Degas Dancer - Jane Randfield
Little Bits of Me - Beth S. Robertson
The Boxing Gloves - David Robertson
The Parting - David Robertson
Chauvet Cave - Abigail Rorer
Wander Alone Like a Rhinoceros - Abigail Rorer
April Wood - Sue Scullard
Shingle Garden at Dungeness - Sue Scullard
Manta Rays - Andrew Seaby
Flying with Hares, Running with Swallows - Colin See-Paynton
Pangram I - Maggie Storm
Male Nude - Debbie Sutcliffe
Sarah's Pots - Debbie Sutcliffe
Climbers - Nikki Tait
All That I Am I Give to You - Julia Timmins
In the Park - Masha Tiplady
Two Fathers of Modern Art: Charles Parker and Paul Cezanne - James Todd
Year of the Tree - Ann Tout
Spiral - Kouki Tsuritani
Where Are We Going? - Kouki Tsuritani
Phoenix - George Tute
Cormorant - Phil Underwood
Dog Star - Geri Waddington
Red-tailed Hawk - Richard Wagener
Limano - Merlin Waterson
Santa Maria Tiberina - Merlin Waterson
Samuel Coleridge-Taylor - Fay Watson
Dusty - Nicholas Wilson
Garden Optimist - Nicholas Wilson
World View - Nicholas Wilson