The Rawlinson Bequest
How to apply for funding from the Rawlinson Bequest
The Rawlinson Bequest is a fund of money left to the Society of Wood Engravers by William (1912–1993) and Patricia Rawlinson on her death later in 1993 for the benefit of young engravers. The Rawlinsons had travel grants for students of wood engraving particularly in mind because their own youthful travels had been the inspiration of a lifetime. However, in administering the fund in an art world where engraving is scarcely even taught, the Society has found different needs to respond to, while keeping the Rawlinsons’ priorities in mind.
Grants have been made and will be considered for:
Students of wood engraving who wish to travel or to complete a specific project which will commit them more firmly to wood engraving.
Tutors of wood engraving who will bring students of wood engraving into being but whose colleges cannot fund the whole project.
Artwork examples by Grigory Babich and Neil Bousfield
How the Bequest grant helps
The Bequest has helped students in the context of a Masters degree majoring in wood engraving; or on leaving art school and setting up their own workshop with equipment they could not otherwise afford. It has assisted tutors, most commonly by paying for equipment and materials that the art school is unable to provide, sometimes by matching funding so the tutor can be employed for more sessions. It has also helped the Society support the community of wood engravers by funding the ongoing provision of blocks, and films and publications made to spread the word about wood engraving. Its terms are flexible, trying to interpret the spirit of the Rawlinsons’ legacy rather than any fixed list of criteria. Grants for tools or materials are typically in the region of £250-£500 though larger sums or ongoing support have been given in some cases.
If you think the Rawlinson Bequest might be able to help you, write to us. By all means make an informal enquiry first, but your final application for funds should consist of the following:
A letter introducing yourself and your experience of and commitment to wood engraving, and explaining what you would like to spend the money on.
Examples of your work, both in engraving so we can see the standard you have achieved so far and assess your potential, and more generally so we can see how engraving fits in with your other work. The engravings should be actual prints wherever possible; supporting work may be presented online or in whatever way is appropriate to it and relatively easy to manage.
If relevant, a recommendation from your printmaking tutor.
Tutors should write introducing themselves (if necessary) and explaining the nature of their need.
The current administrator of the Rawlinson Bequest, to whom all enquiries should be addressed, is -
Nigel Hamway -